Welcome to smartCriminals.com!



smartCriminals was started in 2005 when 4 friends got together for a LAN party one night to play some Medal of Honor Allied Assault. I know, old school game, but it was fun. As we played online, there was that distinct tag next to peoples names "[ ]" that corresponded to the team they represented. We wanted that, but first, we needed a name. When we went to the store to buy some beverages, we were discussing possible clan names. We finally ended up with "smartCriminals."


In the upcoming months we hosted many LAN parties with upwards of 12 players all bringing their PC's over to my house to participate. Ah yes... the days before TRUE online gaming.

As the years went by, we grew with more members and gained enough interest in the community to start up a website and eventually an upcoming clothing and apparel line. We will be releasing some new shirts and other apparel shortly as well as game reviews and desktop wallpapers. So stay tuned for more to come, and thank you for your support. Follow us on instaGram @smartcriminals


Please feel free to browse the site. If you have any questions or input, feel free to email us at info@smartcriminals.com